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Connecting to Azure Blob Storage: Cloudberry

Connecting to Azure Blob Storage: Cloudberry

When it comes to hosting everything in the cloud, especially when it comes to websites, you need somewhere to store all your content files with ease. Azure’s solution for handling all your file storage needs is called &ldquo  ...

7 Steps to a Successful Intranet Portal Project

7 Steps to a Successful Intranet Portal Project

In 2011, IDC estimated there were 1.8 zettabytes of digital data (created and replicated) in the world, growing to 7.9 zettabytes by 2015.  In 2014, Gartner predicts that enterprise data will grow by 800 percent in five years  ...

Cancelling out of a global event handler in Kentico CMS

Cancelling out of a global event handler in Kentico CMS

Global Event Handlers in Kentico are a great way to inject your custom functionality into a standard event or process. You can leverage this feature to log an exception into a ticketing system, format an email before it’s sent  ...

Visual Studio: Why Clean, Build, & Rebuild?

Visual Studio: Why Clean, Build, & Rebuild?

One of the most commonly used and least thought features that developers working in Visual Studios use is “Clean, Build, and Rebuild.” When asked, most developers can describe which to use and when, but do not know exactly  ...

5 Websites that will Expand your Technology Knowledge

5 Websites that will Expand your Technology Knowledge

Now is a great time to be a developer. With the growing spread and advancements of technology and all it capabilities anyone can write an app, tie in and control gadgets, or build a website. Free resources and incentives are in  ...

Displaying results 166-170 (of 187)
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