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Episode 36 - Tip of the Wand Radio Show
Dan Diamond, Vince Mayfield, & Sam Blowes at the Radio Desk

Episode 36 - Tip of the Wand Radio Show

Join Bit-Wizards CEO, Vince Mayfield, and Director of IT, Sam Blowes, as they discuss current IT news that affects your business. Learn why your network needs more protection than you may think, what threats are out there right now, and what you, as a small business owner, can do to protect your information and your customer's information.


Show Details

In typical Bit-Wizards fashion, the show has a uniquely wizardly name. Bit-Wizards' feature is called The Tip of the Wand. Each week the show consists of three main segments.

  • Segment 1: Bits & Bytes - Learn about recent tech-centric news and how it applies to your life and your business. 

  • Segment 2: What's Up Our Sleeve – Find out about some of the most painful parts of owning a business and the technology that comes with it. Learn what you can do, as a business owner or manager, to remove some of the daily IT frustration you may experience. 

  • Segment 3: From the Spell Book – The Bit-Wizards team will demystify geek terminology you may often hear, and they may even provide a useful technology fact.

Listen to past episodes in our library.