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Bea Almonte

Bea Almonte

Software Engineer, Web

Bea lived in Cebu City, Philippines, until she was 14, when she was whisked away to Las Vegas by her parents. When she was 20, after six years in the desert and a few visits to Pensacola, she eventually applied to The University of West Florida (UWF) and moved to Pensacola to be closer to the ocean and get away from the desert.


Bea lived in Cebu City, Philippines, until she was 14, when she was whisked away to Las Vegas by her parents. When she was 20, after six years in the desert and a few visits to Pensacola, she eventually applied to The University of West Florida (UWF) and moved to Pensacola to be closer to the ocean and get away from the desert.

Bea started out in community college (College of Southern Nevada) with intentions to major in Civil Engineering, changed her mind to Pre-Med, and finally decided on Computer Engineering. After getting her Associate's degree in CSN, she transferred to UWF to get her Bachelor's in Computer Engineering and graduated in 2022.

Arduinos and microcontrollers were Bea’s specialties at UWF, and she used it for her group's Capstone project (An electric cooler using Peltier modules and Arduino/ESP), which was voted the best by their professors. While at UWF, she also participated in a few clubs and competitions. Bea was a member of the Cybersecurity club and president of the Association of Computing Machinery. She also helped one of her professors teach kids about robotics/programming one weekend, participated in ICPC (a programming competition), and took part in Hivestorm (a cybersecurity competition).

Bea’s favorite part of the degree, aside from building cute robots, was programming. Her affinity for programming and the fact that her father built his company's program by himself are two of the reasons why she was attracted to Software Engineering as a career.

Operating Systems:

  • Linux
  • Windows


  • C/C++
  • C#
  • Arduino/Microcontrollers
  • Python

Development Environments:

  • Visual Studio
  • VS Code

Random Skills:

  • Cliff Jumper
  • Professional Dog Cuddler