Born in Pennsylvania, Vannessa moved to Fort Walton Beach with her family in 1999. She finished her middle school years at Meigs in Shalimar and attended Choctawhatchee High School, graduating in 2004.
Take the risks and find joy. Playing it safe may keep you from being disappointed or hurt, but it can keep you from finding true happiness.
Born in Pennsylvania, Vannessa moved to Fort Walton Beach with her family in 1999. She finished her middle school years at Meigs in Shalimar and attended Choctawhatchee High School, graduating in 2004. Vannessa attended Northwest Florida State College and Pensacola State College before realizing she wasn't sure "what she wanted to be when she grew up.” Despite almost always working in customer service related jobs, it took many years to realize that she enjoyed working with and helping people. Vannessa and her fiancĂ© have four children between the two of them- three girls and one boy, the youngest. They also have a dog, Beamer, and two cats, Sadie and Kinky. In her spare time, Vannessa enjoys spending time with her family, taking the kids swimming, and taking them to places like Surge and Urban Air. She also enjoys writing novels (always works in progress), reading both fiction and historical books, and watching movies/tv shows.