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Bit-Wizards Receives the Gabby Bruce You Make A Difference Award for Going Above and Beyond in the C

Bit-Wizards Receives the Gabby Bruce You Make A Difference Award for Going Above and Beyond in the Community

Fort Walton Beach, FL – Friday, September 3, 2021 – A2Z Specialty Advertising presented Bit-Wizards with the “Gabby Award” as part of the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce’s First Friday Coffee event. This award was given to Bit-Wizards for delivering excellent service to their customers and going above and beyond to help numerous individuals, businesses, and organizations in the community. 
Named in honor of long-time resident and community volunteer Gabby Bruce, the Gabby Bruce You Make a Difference Award program was started to keep his memory alive after his passing in 2020. Gabby was the epitome of a public servant, lending his time to many nonprofit boards throughout the years and serving as a volunteer at countless events throughout the community. 
“Gabby was a friend and big supporter of mine starting back at the beginning of my career.  He inspired me and countless others to get involved and live life with a servant’s heart.  Bit-Wizards is honored to receive this award and will proudly carry-on Gabby’s legacy of giving back.”  - Heather Ruiz, Director of Marketing 
Over their 20 years in business, Bit-Wizards has given back to the local community through monetary, service based, and volunteer efforts that amount to more than $1.6 million in support. Known for their fun-loving company culture and national caliber employee and client base, Bit-Wizards continues to make philanthropy a major focus through their newly established corporate giving arm, Be the Magic Foundation. 
About Bit-Wizards

Bit-Wizards is an award-winning software development, digital marketing, and managed IT company. Founded in 2000 and recognized for excellence at the national, regional, and state level, Bit-Wizards is the result of a vision to create a company where innovation and creativity flourish. With the latest certifications in cutting-edge technologies, Bit-Wizards provides the highest level of expertise to drive their clients’ vision forward. For more information, visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.