The American Advertising Awards is the most comprehensive competition for the advertising industry. Over 35,000 professionals and students enter each year nationwide. The American Advertising Federation was created to "recognize and reward the creative spirit of excellence in advertising." There are three tiers of competition, the submissions begin at the local level and move up to regionals, then on to nationals.
Bit-Wizards first joined their local AAF Club in 2010 and since has entered and won for nine consecutive years (
2017). Each year submissions include both internal marketing projects and external client projects. This year Bit-Wizards won three Silver ADDY Awards for 2018 projects.
The Winners
Wizard Life Periodic Table T-Shirt
Advertising Industry Self-Promotion Brand Elements

The goal of the Periodic Table T-Shirt was to capture the “nerdisms” and culture of Bit-Wizards’ Wizard Life and thus promote the uniqueness and quirkiness of each employee at Bit-Wizards.
Concept by Candie Mitchell and Melissa Hamilton, design by Melissa Hamilton.
Wizard Life Brand Stickers
Advertising Industry Self-Promotion Brand Elements

The Wizard Life Brand Stickers a similar concept to the Periodic Table T-shirt. They help to convey both internally and externally the personality of Bit-Wizards brand.
Concept by Candie Mitchell and Melissa Hamilton, design by Melissa Hamilton.
Arc of the Emerald Coast Christmas Campaign
Public Service Online/Interactive Campaign

Instead of printing a Christmas card for the 2018 holiday season, Bit-Wizards chose to donate the funds that would typically be spent on card printing to the Arc of the Emerald Coast through a special campaign called “Everyone Deserves a Magical Christmas.” For this campaign, Bit-Wizards would match up to $2,500 of donations. Under the mantra of inclusion, our team created a donation campaign featuring the Arc of the Emerald Coast’s very own clients. This campaign was a huge success. Bit-Wizards raised $2,770 and caught attention from Microsoft with a grand total in donations of $5,770 to The Arc of the Emerald Coast. The campaign channels include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Email, and Website promotions.
Concept by Candie Mitchell and Melissa Hamilton, design by Melissa Hamilton.