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Vince Mayfield's October FWB Chamber Letter

Vince Mayfield's October FWB Chamber Letter

Education is the key to creating your own success in life. Without education and learning, you are setting yourself up for lifelong failure or underachievement. In my personal life, I have made education and learning a life-long  ...

Computer Virus Types

Computer Virus Types

Computer viruses are becoming increasingly dangerous. Attacks are not only more sophisticated, but more frequent. Taking preventative measures to keep your computer system safe from viruses should be a top priority for your business  ...

Vince Mayfield's September FWB Chamber Letter

Vince Mayfield's September FWB Chamber Letter

During his Jedi Training,  Master Yoda tells Luke Skywalker: "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."  If you are a general  ...

Vince Mayfield's August FWB Chamber Letter

Vince Mayfield's August FWB Chamber Letter

Humanizing people in 2020 is more critical than ever. Let's face it with everything going digital; we tend to forget that the person on the other end of that social media post or email is a human being. At Bit-Wizards, we work hard  ...

Vince Mayfield’s FWB July Chamber Letter

Vince Mayfield’s FWB July Chamber Letter

I beg forgiveness, Coach John Wooden, for not being a basketball fan! Nevertheless, I did learn what a pivot was from playing one season of basketball as a teenager. For those of you not familiar, Coach John Wooden is one of the  ...

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