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Todd Ladner

Todd Ladner

Principal Lead Front End Developer, Web

Although it is generally known, it's time to announce that Todd was born at a very early age. After a childhood of preoccupation with art that led him to observe the styles of all the great masters, Todd decided to make a living doing something creative. Todd knew he was destined for a career in design. He liked computers and art and felt graphic design fused these passions beautifully. Therefore he enrolled at Savannah College of Art & Design and studied Graphic Design.


Although it is generally known, it's time to announce that Todd was born at a very early age. After a childhood of preoccupation with art that led him to observe the styles of all the great masters, Todd decided to make a living doing something creative.

Todd knew he was destined for a career in design. He liked computers and art and felt graphic design fused these passions beautifully. Therefore he enrolled at Savannah College of Art & Design and studied Graphic Design.

After college he returned home to Florida’s Emerald Coast and quickly realized that a career as a graphic artist, in this area, was not going to pay the bills, so he expanded his skill set and taught himself web design. Todd is now a CSS, HTML Jedi and knows enough JavaScript to be dangerous.

Today, Todd is a Web Developer at Bit-Wizards. His capabilities include graphic design, web/interactive design, web production, information site architecture development, web flow diagrams, user experience design, and user interface design. Todd regularly updates his skills in web design and development to stay abreast of the current trends and best practices and plans on furthering his knowledge of web production by becoming Microsoft & Kentico certified. Todd enjoys the challenge of making each project different, which involves visual design as well as innovative function and the organization of information.

Todd currently resides in Navarre, Florida with his wife and two children.

Operating Systems

  • Windows
  • MacOS


  • Illustration
  • Logo Design
  • Mobile Web Development
  • Print Design
  • Project Management
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Responsive Web Development
  • UX/UI Design
  • Usability Testing

Software & Technology

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Kentico
  • Visual Studio
  • VS Code


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Sass

Random Skills

  • Good Samaritan
  • Washed-Up Athlete
  • Especially Gifted Napper