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texas office

Governor Rick Scott Honors Bit-Wizards with Business Ambassador Award

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 Florida Governor, Rick Scott took time to recognize Bit-Wizards along with four other companies during a Florida Cabinet meeting.

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Hooking Texas with a Focused Sales Team

As announced in 2013, Bit-Wizards opened an office in Austin, Texas. To support the sales efforts in that area, we brought on seasoned veteran, Tom Emerson.

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kentico 8 module

Bryan Soltis Creates the First Kentico 8 Module

As a Kentico Gold partner, Bit-Wizards continually encourages its team to contribute to the Kentico development community. One way the Bit-Wizards team accomplishes this is through the development of modules that can be used within the Kentico pla...

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vince mayfield

CEO Vince Mayfield Leads by Example

In an effort to continue to lead Bit-Wizards forward in an ever changing IT industry, Vince Mayfield, our CEO here at Bit-Wizards decided that returning to school was not only a great idea, but also a necessity.

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kentico competencies

Bit-Wizards Grabs Three More Kentico Competencies

In April Bit-Wizards was awarded the Kentico Online Marketing Competency, and now to add to that Kentico has also granted the Wizards three more competencies including, E-commerce, Mobile Development & Development and Integration. 

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