Florida Trend Best Companies to Work For competition occurs annually. Florida Trend Magazine partners with the Best Companies Group and they work together to choose the appropriate companies for their annual survey. Any company with at least 15 employees can participate at no cost.
The survey is a questionnaire about company policies, practices and also demographics. Employees receive the survey directly from the Best Companies Group and respond anonymously online. The winning companies are divided into three groups: Large (250+ employees), medium (50-249 employees) and small (50 and fewer employees).
For the past seven years (
2010), Bit-Wizards has ranked on this prestigious list of employers in Florida. This year, Bit-Wizards ranks #3 on the list of best small companies and the wizard team is excited and proud to be listed among the top companies to work for in Florida.
Bit-Wizards works to improve employee work life each year. One of the most beneficial parts of wizard life are the regular training opportunities provided to the team. Twice a month the team meets for a Tech ’30 collaboration.

Individuals get to share new and exciting skills and knowledge from their respective technology fields. Bit-Wizards also sponsors the monthly Gulf Coast .NET User Group for the local development community. On a yearly basis, wizards have the opportunity to attend industry training events and conferences. Keeping up with the changes in the technology industry isn’t an easy task. Therefore, Bit-Wizards makes sure that training opportunities and skills improvement are always a focus along with all the fun!
See the full list of the Florida Trend Best Companies to Work For